
Early Learners

Children start to develop early literacy skills beginning at birth, and reading together with children continues to be one of the most powerful ways to develop early literacy skills. Join us for energetic, engaging, and fun storytimes that will facilitate early literacy experiences and give you ideas for new ways to engage your child in early literacy practices.

Upcoming Storytimes

Weekly Storytimes

One Monday a month @ 10 AM-10:45. A storytime and nature exploration for preschoolers and their caregivers. Registration is required for each session.

Tuesdays @ 10-10:30 AM, March 4-April 8. This storytime series registration is full. This is our final Tuesday Treasures session until September.

Tuesdays @ 6:30-7 PM, March 4-April 8. Join RPL Librarians for a six-week Babytime storytime designed just for our youngest audience! This is our final Babytime session until September. Registration is required. 


Wednesdays @ 10-10:30 AM, March 5-April 9. This storytime series registration is full. This will be the final Wednesday Wishes session until September.

Saturdays @ 10-10:30 AM. Join us for an active story and song time especially designed for the under 5s and their caregivers. This storytime is drop in, no registration required.

The final session of Jumping Beans will be April 12th.

Early Literacy Concerts and Special Events

Second Friday of each month, 10 AM, February-June. Join our longtime friend Peter Sheridan for a musical celebration. Kids ages 0-5 and their caregivers are welcome. No registration necessary.

One Friday a month, 10 AM March-April. Come have a colorful time playing with playdough! No registration required but please monitor age and allergies.

One Friday a month @ 10 AM, March-May. Stop by the library for an interactive play space promoting gross motor skills. No registration necessary.

Friday, March 28 @ 10 AM. Join Rockabye Beats for another amazing concert here at RPL! No registration necessary.

More Early Learning Fun!

Our Reading Year

Any family with kids ages 0-5 can sign up. All you have to do is read 1 new book a day for 365 days! Stop in any time at the Children’s Desk to sign up and pick up your tracking supplies.

Learn more

Do you love to sing, dance, and have fun with friends? Join us for our monthly sing-a-long with musician Peter Sheridan!

Upcoming Dates

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