Spring Events at the Library

Spring Events at the Library

Spring is coming, and so are our fresh new programs.

Adult Programs (March)      Teen Programs (March-May)       Children’s Programs (March-May)

We are getting crafty in March. Join us for our Community Craft Swap on Saturday, March 15. Bring your new or gently used arts and crafts materials anytime between March 1 and March 15th to swap for new-to-you supplies! Donations are not required to participate. Teens: drop in over April break for Crafting afternoons.

Have you a green thumb?  Are you looking for ways to get involved in the community?  Join our Busy Bees program!

The Community Craft Swap and Busy Bees are part of our Rooted in Reading grant.

Enjoy the Softer side of Celtic music with Jeff Snow on Saturday,  March 8th in the Community Room. Check out artwork by individuals supported by the Northeast Arc at the Northeast Arc’s Art Night on Thursday, March 6th.

BeTween Time is back on Thursdays starting on March 6th, from 3:30 to 4:30 in the Tween area of the Children’s Room.

We are excited to host former Reading resident, author Tara Sullivan on Friday, March 21st as she discusses her latest book: Treasure of the World.

Our Friends Speaker Series, sponsored by the Friends of the Reading Public Library, continues to inspire us with best-selling authors and engaging speakers. This spring, we are looking forward to Jennifer Weiner and Jodi Picoult.

Special thanks to the Friends of the Reading Public Library for generously funding many of our programs.

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