Stand-up Weed Puller
The Fiskars Stand-up Weed puller is a long-handled weeding tool. It makes quick work of permanently extracting weeds. This long-handled weed puller tool relieves you from bending and kneeling while weeding.
What is included?
The Fiskars Stand-up Weeder, user tips & tricks, claw protector case, and guideline sheet.
The Fine Print:
Patrons 18 years or older with library cards in good standing (i.e., no billed items) can check out equipment. Borrowers accept full financial responsibility for the material and accessories while in their possession. The total replacement cost for the Stand-Up Weed Puller is $60. They must be cleaned before being returned to the library. A $5.00 per day fee will be applied if the material is returned late.
The Stand-up Weed Puller was purchased as part of the Rooted in Reading grant. Rooted in Reading is made possible by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. Additional support is provided by the Friends of the Reading Public Library and the Reading Public Library Foundation.