AKAI Mini Keyboard
What is it?
The AKAI MPK mini is an ultra-compact keyboard with an impressive array of buttons, knobs and pads that provide hands-on performance and production control over your music software. With a 25-key velocity-sensitive keyboard, 8 backlit MPC-style pads and 8 Q-Link knobs, the MPK mini is the ultimate portable controller to get your music moving.
Who is it for?
The AKAI MPK mini keyboard is for anyone making music on their laptop or computer!
What is included?
- Akai mini keyboard in carrying case
- USB cable
- User guide
- Recommended DAWs (digital audio workstation software)
- Guidelines sheet.
The Fine Print:
Patrons 18 years or older with library cards in good standing (i.e. no billed items) can check out equipment. Borrowers accept full financial responsibility for the material and accessories while in their possession. The total replacement cost for the
AKAI Mini Keyboard is $125.00. A $5.00 per day fee will be applied if the material is returned late.