Tax Help & Resources
Tax Forms
The Reading Public Library can assist you with printing tax forms.
Federal and state forms generally arrive mid-January and will be limited in supply. Items will be put out as they arrive. Call or check back for more information. Printing: $0.20/page.
The library usually receives the following tax forms:
- Federal: 1040 Forms & Instructions
- Massachusetts: MA Resident Form 1 booklets, MA Non/Part Year Resident Form 1 booklets
In Person Tax Help
Pleasant Street Center / Reading Senior Center – by appointment
49 Pleasant St, Reading, MA. 01867
For Reading Residents 60 & over. Call: 781-942-6794
Appointments will be held on Wednesdays 2/12/25 – 4/9/25, 9am-2pm at the Reading Public Library.
Potential clients must bring all income forms received for 2024 income including 1099’s, social security statement and brokerage statements, health insurance cards, social security cards, last year’s tax return and a photo ID.
People filing for the Circuit Breaker credit will need to bring property tax statements and water bills.
AARP Tax-Aide
This service will help anyone but focuses on low to moderate income earners 50 or older. Visit their website or call 888-227-7669.
ABCD Mystic Valley Opportunity Center – Volunteer Prepared Taxes
11 Dartmouth Street, Suite 104, Malden, MA. 02148
ABCD Mystic Valley – Medford – Volunteer Prepared Taxes
111 Arlington St., 2nd Flr., Medford, MA. 02155
IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center
1 Montvale Ave., Stoneham, MA. 02180
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
Free tax help for individuals whose incomes are generally $60,000 or less, individuals with disabilities, and individuals who are English language learners.
- Visit the IRS website or call 800-906-9887 to make an appointment
- Additional VITA locations servicing Reading:
- Community Teamwork, Inc. Phone: 978-459-0551
- Greater Lawrence Community Action Council Inc. Phone: (978) 978-620-4752
Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE)
Free tax help for individuals ages 60 or older.
- Visit the IRS website or call 800-906-9887 to make an appointment
Phone Help
Federal Live Telephone Assistance
- Individuals: 800-829-1040 (English or Spanish)
- All other languages: 833-553-9895
- People who are hard of hearting: TTY/TDD 800-829-4059
- Businesses: 800-829-4933
State Telephone Assistance
- 617-887-6367 or 800-392-6089
- 9:00am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday
Additional Tax Resources
Can help with the following issues:
- Financial hardship/economic burden
- IRS system issue
- Fair and equitable treatment
Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITC)
Assistance for low-income individuals who need help resolving tax disputes or understanding taxpayer rights & responsibilities. Learn more
- Asian American Civil Association
- Boston: 617-426-9492
- Greater Boston Legal Services
- 800-323-3205 or 617-371-1234
- Legal Services of Harvard Law
- Jamaica Plain: 866-738-8081 or 617-522-3003
- Northeast Legal Aid
- Lynn: 978-458-1465
Federal Tax Forms
- View Online, Download & Print:
- Order Online:
- Order by Telephone: 1-800-829-3676 (1-800-TAX-FORM)
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing: TTY/TDD 1-800-829-4059
- File Online for Free:
Massachusetts Tax Forms
- View Online, Download & Print:
- Order by Telephone: 1-800-392-6089
- Massachusetts electronic tax filing: