Borrow the Panasonic Video Camera for when you need something more powerful than your smartphone camera.
Getting stuck in rush hour has never been so much fun! This kit includes the all-consuming logic game, “Rush Hour,” along with two brain puzzle books.
Do you love to knit? Are you looking for any easier way to wind your yarn?
Borrow one of our 5 early literacy kits and have fun Singing, Reading, Writing, Talking & Playing!
It’s time for school so make some noise! ! This Kids’ First Music Kit is a great introduction to playing any instrument.
Borrow the Dremel Rotary Tool today!
Borrow a tent from our Library of Things collection.
Spark your child’s interest with this easy to use and fun Kids’ Robotics Kit!
Have you been wanting to dip your toes into the world of VR? Try out virtual reality technologies with this new Library of Things kit recommended for kids ages 10 and up.
Explore early coding concepts with the Cubetto game in our Kids’ First Coding Kit! For kids 3 and up.