
Fall leaves on the ground

Fall Cleanup Time?

This article and online presentation from Grow Native Massachusetts makes the case to leave the leaves for biodiversity in your garden.

Sample Sensory Garden

As part of our Rooted in Reading grant, RPL is installing an example sensory garden.  This small area highlights different ways to experience a garden. They can help people connect with nature and become more aware of their surroundings.

Stage 1: Beneath the Surface (Oct-Jan)

Rooted in Reading will take place in three phases. Kicking off this fall, all gardens required planning and preparation. There is a lot to do from design to digging, from selecting plants to sowing seeds. Things that are happening for “Beneath the Surface” of Rooted in Reading

Canning Kit

Preserve your fruit and vegetables with the Granite Canning Kit from the RPL Library of Things collection.

Grant Named: Rooted in Reading

The votes are in, and our new grant program will be called “Rooted in Reading.” Rooted in Reading launches one year of programming, services, and greenscape improvements to establish RPL as the horticultural hub for the Town of Reading.

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